Discharge to home

To ensure safe transition from care facility to home, Omnicare provides support for the patient’s prescription medication needs.

Keep your therapy on track, with no disruption

Your prescription medications have been clinically reviewed and filled by the Omnicare pharmacy during your facility stay, and our Discharge to Home program can help make it easier to manage your medication therapy once you’re home. You will have a discharge medication plan prescribed by your doctor but our program will help ensure you have the information and support to stay safe and reduce the risk of readmission.

Less stress and more support for discharged patients

Our Discharge to Home program provides:

  • A home supply of all prescribed medication
  • Printed medication management instructions
  • An optional phone call with a clinical pharmacist
  • Support for your adherence to your discharge medication plan  

We’re ready to hear from you, no matter the need

Get in touch and schedule a consultation or, if you’re a current customer, get support today.

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